Clem (I mean Ger) is continuing his success in annoying people. I talked to his son Abner (I mean Justin) recently and discovered that he's just as annoying as his father. When Ger and Justin enter a room together most people head for the hills. Warning: Do not laugh at their jokes. This picture was taken during the annual Ugly People's Dinner where they were keynote speakers.
Hey keep this stuff coming this storm family is great haha...especially this justin guy he seems awesomes
i wanna hear more about this justin fellow
justin is weird, you wouln't want to know him.
I am Justin
You are Justin? Well, then you must have first-hand knowledge of how weird Justin is. He comes by his weirdness honestly, he inherited it from his Great, Great, Great Grandfather Eric Storm the Pale, the viking who set out to find the New World but ended up in a Turkish prison. When he finally discovered the New World many years later, Eric founded the Ugly Swede settlement in B.C.
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