Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Office

This is where I write, think, read, and pretty well, ahem, do everything. It is very convenient and soon I will be installing a fridge/microwave oven/bar/tv unit to make my life even easier.

Financial News

That's Jed (I mean Roy) on the far left. They are discussing Pork Belly Futures. I think they decided to eat pork belly's now instead of the future.

Our hero

But Grannie (I mean Jim) is actually quite content with his lot in life. His demeanor has been okay since the fire. This picture shows only his mood in the darkest days. He has come around and he doesn't snap at one too much now if you speak very quietly.

Newsworthy events

Clem (I mean Ger) is continuing his success in annoying people. I talked to his son Abner (I mean Justin) recently and discovered that he's just as annoying as his father. When Ger and Justin enter a room together most people head for the hills. Warning: Do not laugh at their jokes. This picture was taken during the annual Ugly People's Dinner where they were keynote speakers.

The cute side of the family

Ellie Mae (oops, I mean Julie) is continuing to display her '70s line of clothing. When asked about her (pictured here with Mother Teresa) obsession with that era, she replied "it's cool"

Julie feels she two options in life: She doesn't know what they are, but she knows she has two of them.

(photographers note: The most difficult thing in my career was to get Mother Teresa to hold Julie, I should get an award)

The dark side of the family

Jethro (oops, I mean Kevin) doesn't actually do anything of note. Officially, he works (hah!) for Comfort's Welding but in reality he only exists to give the rest of the family something to talk about. This picture was taken on a Sunday afternoon when he had just thrown an aerosol can into a fire. Note the maniacal look in his eyes. His one contribution in life has been to keep the cat population down.

The Family

The latest sleeze and gossip that isn't fit to print.