For sure everyone in Creston will recognize this picture. Ger took it during Justin's and his recent goose hunting trip. What a picture! When I first looked at it, I thought: 'that looks like geese walking along the shore there'. Of course it isn't I presume, although stranger things have happened in the Storm Clan.
Top ten things (out of order I'm sure) I love about Ger:
10. I'm not going to be bored in his presence.
09. He likes beer too.
08. He's a typical virgo, angst, doubt and looks inward like crazy. That's my boy!
07. He can sing like a lark and knows the words.
06. He's the funniest person in the history of mankind when he's explaining to me Karri's canoe exploits and trying to talk me into canoing with her next year in the back of a van.
.05. Am I halfway there?: Ger's not perfect: Hello. He's a Storm. If one used a yardstick to measure Storm's, Ger would be on one end of it. The other end would be boredom, and that is not my thing.
.04. I feel comfortable around Ger. I don't get many opporunities to be with him and it is a special thing when I do.
03. I'm feeling uncomfortable talking about Ger like this. Because I'm sure he would be. No he wouldn't. I'm slightly biased of course, but no, he's not bad. I wouldn't put him in the category of 'great". He's up there.
02. He's got two of the greatest kids of history of mankind; and
01. And he is the special of the special, maybe.
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